Protesting peacefully, is that now a problem?

Players have been taking a knee recently during the national anthem in many football games. This has been a controversial move from players and many see it as a major issue.  I believe that what they're doing is perfectly fine. It is a peaceful way to show their protest against America's ever evolving culture. People misjudge this as "disrespect" for America, but it really isn't. The players just don't agree or stand for what's happening in America now. Kneeling is their way of saying of "No, this isn't right. This is not the America that I stand for" in a very peaceful but impactful way. I can see why people would think that it is disrespect to the flag but, could you even respect a flag that has had appalling things recently happen in it?

Compared to other ways of protest that have happened in America, such as the "Ferguson Unrest," this is by far the most peaceful.

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Both of these are protests are of the same issue, but see the stark difference between the two?
Kneeling for what you believe in is less chaotic, more peaceful and gets the point across better than having civil unrest.

I would risk being ridiculed for standing up to what I believe in. I know people won't agree with what I say and I accept that as fact. But voicing your opinion is important and it should be heard by other people. We should let them do what they want to do. It doesn't harm anyone and it clearly is effective. If they can cause a large controversy, they've gotten their point across.

People like Colin Kaepernick and other players who follow in his shoes should not be condemned because of the fact that they are protesting in this fashion. Instead, they should be seen as an example of how peaceful protest should be. Their simple action have caused quite a stir, without a single casualty or word. That's how protests are meant to be. Simple, but effective. 


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